Yesterday I had browsed for interesting nets and associations in my area and rediscovered SM6LR. It’s a ham radio club belonging to Lidköping, a town some 30km north of my QTH.
The club house is at JO68pk37, to the south of Lidköping, so it’s a bit closer to me.
On a whim I decided to visit them last night. To my delight I found a group of people who were very welcoming and friendly.
I’ve decided to make the website open source. I’ll add a page on how to set up a similar website for yourself, but for now, here’s the GitHub repository.
I’m using Hugo to generate the website, and Cloudflare Pages to host it. Cloudflare automatically detects changes to the main branch of the github repository, and rebuilds the website. It’s pretty neat, and 100% free for my use case at the time of writing.