I made the website open source
By sa6ham
I’ve decided to make the website open source. I’ll add a page on how to set up a similar website for yourself, but for now, here’s the GitHub repository.
I’m using Hugo to generate the website, and Cloudflare Pages to host it. Cloudflare automatically detects changes to the main branch of the github repository, and rebuilds the website. It’s pretty neat, and 100% free for my use case at the time of writing.
At the time of writing, I have not added any thirdparty feedback funktionality, which is not an obviously simple thing to do with this kind of edge hosting, but I have an idea about using the key-value API of CloudFlare for this purpose, and I’ll try to implement it at some point.
I welcome any feedback and contribution to the website. When it comes to my blog posts, perhaps only grammatical and spelling errors, but there are pages too, like radio specs and antenna builds, that are more open to contribution. Also, if I’ve logged a QSO with you and you want that removed, feel free to either just let me know at sa6ham.se or make a fork of the repository and remove it yourself through a pull request and I’ll approve it after I’ve verified that it’s you.